Begin Your Journey of Spiritual Growth and Transformation with "Your 12 Week Heros Journey". This App will guide you through the 12 Stages of The Heros Journey as we look at how it applies to you and your life. You will discover how The Heros Journey can assist you in your growth and development, and connect with your Soul.We are going to be looking at your past, helping you to become present in today and creating a vision for your future. This app has been designed as a journey to help you connect with your Soul, so you can live your life with purpose and passion, and in alignment with who you are. we will be using the structure and philosophy of The Heros Journey as well as coaching tools to assist you in your spiritual growth and development on a mind, body and spirit level.
Throughout the 12 weeks I will be integrating tools from Professional Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Meditation, Psychology and Energy Work to support you on your journey and quest.
Along with an introduction into each stage of The Heros Journey, we will also provide you with an exercise to work through for the week. Download today and begin your quest!
- Create a Vision for Your Future- Connect with Your Purpose and Passion- Get a Deeper Understanding of Your SELF- Gain Clarity and Perspective in Your Life - Much more...